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It’s MY vaccine contract, no it’s MINE! (Episode 8, Story 1)

H1N1 vaccine
swine flu
Protein Sciences
The bickering and mudslinging have begun as the competition for H1N1...

More reasons to think three times before vaccination with Gardasil (Episode 5, Story 2)

Cervical cancer
In yet more controversy about the cervical cancer vaccine Gardasil ,...

To vaccinate or not to vaccinate - the debate rages on (Episode 4, Story 3)

swine flu
vaccination refusal
With Swine Flu the hot topic of the moment, the idea of compulsory vac...

What’s next for the Swine Flu? (Episode 4, Story 2)

swine flu
1918 Spanish Flu
vaccination side effects
With all the hype starting to die down and the panic subsiding about t...

College Kids Get Mumps Two Years Ago, CDC Just Now Freaks Out (Episode 2, Story 2)

immune system
An article published in the New England Journal of Medicine this sprin...

Celiac Disease and the Autoimmune vs Nervous System Battle (Episode 1, Story 4)

Celiac Disease
The above study investigated the neurological relationship between the...

Clearer Guide Posts for Th1 Probiotics

Sometimes a story hooks you and you can't stop thinking about it!  After posting yesterday about probiotics, I dug further in to look for the research that points to a boost of the Th1 immune res...

Posted on Apr 12, 6:18pm

One Size Doesn't Fit All for Probiotics

A simple general recommendation for probiotics may not be what the doctor ordered, according to new research on the effects of probiotics on the immune system.  Scientists have discovered that th...

Posted on Apr 11, 4:24pm

Increase in Febrile Seizures For Toddlers Injected With Flu Shot

The FDA is investigating a spike in febrile seizures among toddlers vaccinated with Fluzone, the only flu shot recommended for infants 6 to 23 months of age.  In an alert posted to the FDA's webs...

Posted on Jan 25, 12:04am

Another Vaccine Adjuvant Linked to Leaks in Blood-Brain Barrier

Chinese researchers investigating the effect of Platelet Activating Factor (PAF) on the blood-brain barrier, the critical final divide between the sensitive brain tissue and the blood vessels, discove...

Posted on Jan 12, 9:36pm

Flu Shot Coverage, Vaccine-Related Miscarriage Rates Rise Exponentially

The CDC has announced that almost half of all pregnant women were vaccinated with the H1N1 or combined influenza vaccination during the "influenza" season of 2009/2010.  Women who were...

Posted on Dec 7, 7:03pm

Pneumococcal vaccine causes shift in type, not frequency, of ear infections

A big twist was left out of a recent CNN report (see link) skewering the use of antibiotics for ear infections- the fact that the vaccine intended to decrease them has done the opposite.  Proving...

Posted on Nov 19, 1:30am

No link between thimerosal, autism. No further testing ever needed according to CDC

There is no link between prenatal or infant exposure to mercury in vaccines and autism, and "further studies are not warranted," according to the CDC's director of immunization safety. ...

Posted on Sep 30, 4:11pm

Best way to avoid mumps: Be born outside of US or before vaccine was introduced

 A mumps outbreak among college students in 2006 made the CDC investigate who in America was the most immune to the virus.  Their results indicate that those born before the vaccination was...

Posted on Aug 16, 6:41pm

Alternative Vaccine Schedules

Parents concerned about the number and frequency of shots in the current vaccination schedule usually ask their holistic practitioner for advice.  With my patients I've advocated an informed deci...

Posted on Aug 13, 4:35pm

WHO: Lucky Lucky! H1N1 pandemic officially over

Talk about good luck!  "The H1N1 virus has largely run its course," according to the WHO.  The 2009 pandemic is officially over according to the organization's emergency committee,...

Posted on Aug 11, 4:51pm

What a mitochondrial disorder looks like, and why you should know before you vaccinate

Mitochondrial disorders (MD) were the contributing factor when the US government conceded its first vaccine-autism case (see link) in 2008.  But unlike with other syndromes, children with faulty...

Posted on Aug 9, 4:27pm

Vaccination may provoke seizures in genetically prone infants

A look back at the case records of 40 children with a neurological seizure disorder called Dravet syndrome found that "Vaccination might trigger earlier onset... in children who, because of (the...

Posted on Jul 28, 4:57pm

Breastfeeding reduces risk of post-vaccine fever

Breastfeeding is the best way to prevent post-vaccine fevers in 6 month olds, according to a report in Pediatrics. The parents of 450 children were taught how to measure their babies for fever and 3 d...

Posted on Jul 27, 2:25pm

Pertussis outbreak starts finger pointing, but California outbreak still anomaly against national decline

Pertussis infection rates have dropped nationally by 50% since their peak in 2004 (see graph), but recent reports of an outbreak in the heavily Latino central valley of California has sparked a conver...

Posted on Jun 25, 5:43pm

Babies born to naturally immune mothers have 3 times the antibodies, protected 4 times longer, than those born to vaccinated moms

Babies born to mothers who have been naturally immunized against measles have 3 times as many antibodies against the virus than babies born to vaccinated mothers.  Furthermore, these babies keep...

Posted on Jun 17, 10:25am

Pneumococcal vaccine prevents heart atta... oh wait, nevermind

In 2008 some scientists held on really tightly to a theory- inflammation in the lungs lead to hypertension in the arteries, and that extra pressure would lead to inflammation in the arteries and incre...

Posted on May 14, 2:53pm

Australian government, medical association warns against flu vaccination for children under 5

According to ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation), one child has fallen critically ill and several others have reacted seriously to a free seasonal influenza vaccine in Western Australia, prompti...

Posted on Apr 23, 7:47am

WHO blames people talking to each other for lack of H1N1 Vaccine uptake. Next on the hit list: Common Sense

The World Health Organization has launched a 9-month long inquiry in the wake of the public response to their declaration of an H1N1 pandemic.  A portion of that investigation will focus on the r...

Posted on Apr 15, 11:12am

Plenty of H1N1 vaccine available for those who want seconds: Only 37% of health workers, 25% of public get the shot

So much for universal coverage!  Statistics released by Morbidity and Mortality weekly report show that only 1 in 4 Americans chose to get innoculated with the H1N1 vaccine, and only 37% of healt...

Posted on Apr 12, 1:35pm

CDC's Vaccine Advisory Committee now Department of Redundancy Department

In an shocking press release, the CDC's Vaccine Advisory Committee has advised that nearly all Americans receive the flu vaccine.  They state that infants under 6 months, patients with egg allerg...

Posted on Feb 26, 10:38am

75% of boys in New York mumps outbreak have been vaccinated against it... twice

Just over 1500 cases of mumps have been reported in New York and New Jersey between June and January, almost exclusively in a tradition-observant Jewish community and primarily among teenage boys.&nbs...

Posted on Feb 13, 10:40am

News from the Big Pharma Africa Lab

Who says Merck and GlaskoSmithKline don't care?  They just funded a major rotavirus vaccine trial in Malawi and South Africa to determine if two or three doses of their vaccine are more effective...

Posted on Jan 28, 3:25pm

Get ready for the vaccination program of the century...

With winter and the flu season fast approaching, the US government is panicking about the potential acceleration of the swine flu. The Obama Administration has announced a nationwide vaccination progr...

Posted on Jul 14, 4:57am

The pharma war over cervical cancer vaccination heats up

As if cervical cancer vaccination was not controversial enough, this week two giants of the pharmaceutical industry are preparing to tackle each other head-on for superiority in the cervical vaccine a...

Posted on May 12, 12:34pm

Vaccination Exemption Forms in All 50 States

In the story earlier today about vaccination and autism, the mother stated that she didn't feel she had a choice; the doctor took her daughter "out of her arms" and vaccinated her. Whether true or no...

Posted on Apr 27, 3:09pm

Graphs demonstrating declining incidence rate of disease before introduction of vaccine

Along the way in any alternative health care practitioner's education, he or she usually stumbles upon the following interesting bit of information: deaths from diseases like measles, scarlet fever,...

Posted on Feb 17, 2:15pm

Omnibus Autism Court rules against the families

In the charade known as Vaccination Court, where the federal government holds hearings about damage from the vaccines they pay (or is it "we pay?") to promote and perform safety studies on, the Specia...

Posted on Feb 13, 4:35pm

NY school lawyer decides who really believes in God and who is just faking it.

Funny, I thought I remembered reading in my American History class that the United States of America was founded by people fleeing religious persecution. I must have been wrong about that.Philosophic...

Posted on Feb 12, 6:00pm

Travel and Vaccines- To Shoot or not to Shoot?

Osteopath and globetrotter Dr. Sherri Tenpenny posted an article republished on regarding the only required vaccination for travelers. Tenpenny states "I have been a globe-trotter f...

Posted on Dec 26, 4:14pm

The Fastest Way to Get a Vaccine Call Center Employee Fired

I have no idea why this lady even answered those questions. What I like is how she explains that the mercury content is only because of the preservative thiomersal, which contains mercury, and the p...

Posted on Nov 26, 3:12pm

Mercury, ADHD, and Autism

When I heard Obama and McCain were meeting today, I was praying that McCain talked to Obama about the whole "vaccination" issue. Although the holistic community seemed very pro-Obama as a whole, McCa...

Posted on Nov 20, 5:01pm

Think three times about Gardasil

I haven't seen as many advertisements since this report and others surfaced over the summer. Hopefully it's not a simple case of waiting for the furor to die down and then slowly re-introducing an an...

Posted on Nov 19, 5:57pm

Bonus DVD - Volume 1

Check out Guerilla Health Report! This 90 minute DVD features the best in health and science information reviewed from a holistic perspe...
cesarean section
medical error
swine flu
back pain
Omega 3
sodium benzoate
Jenny McCarthy
fast food

Probiotic Guidelines, Nature's Arthritis Adaptation

Sent on May 3, 5:00pm

Flu shot-related Miscarriage Rate; Compression & Genetic Expression

Sent on Dec 31, 4:00pm

Probiotic Guidelines, Nature's Arthritis Adaptation

Uploaded on May 3, 5:00pm

Flu shot related Miscarriage Rate; Compression & Genetic Expression

Uploaded on Dec 31, 4:00pm

Alternative Vaccination Schedule, US born weaker against mumps

Uploaded on Sep 1, 5:00pm

Great job! Thanks!
Dr. Michael Hanifen, Anchorage, AK

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