- Keywords:
- C-section
- cesarian section
- caesarean section
- pain
- infant
- pediatrics
- obstetrics
- sympathetic
- adrenal
Swedish researchers have found that how a baby enters life- either thr...
Obstetricians have been trained to expect labor to progress faster than it actually does, which may be the reason for the high rate of inductions and c-section deliveries in the US according to a new...
Posted on Feb 1, 11:22pm
Pregnant women have been fighting for close to a decade against The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists's statement that Vaginal Birth After Cesearian (VBAC) should only be performed i...
Posted on Jul 22, 10:44am
New Study Shows Normal Labor ;$5 Mirror Solves Medical Mystery
Uploaded on Feb 14, 4:00pm